Author: Luke


Review: Awaiting the King

The third entry in Smith’s ‘Cultural Liturgies’ series. It’s sat, unread, on my shelf for many years. Not because I didn’t want to read it. Partly because I knew it would be a very...


Review: A War of Loves

“The Unexpected Story Of A Gay Activist Discovering Jesus”. The subtitle of this book hints at the incredible, complex, emotional, arm-wrestle of a read that is to come. David Bennett begins his story about...


Review: 1984

An all-time classic story in a new format. I stumbled upon this new recording from Audible, and thought it was time I explored the depths of 1984. And what a ride it was. Firstly,...


Review: How (Not) to be Secular

There are few books I’ve read more than once. I’ve got more than enough I want to read a first time, I don’t often feel the need to go back to something a second...


Review: An Impossible Marriage

Why would a same-sex attracted woman marry a man? This is the premise of this part-testimony, part-theology book. And, boy, it’s a good one! Laurie and Matt share their personal journey, and the many...


Review: The Ethics of Authenticity

Charles Taylor’s magisterial work, A Secular Age, is something of a generational work that every man and his dog seems to reference. Or, at least, that tells you the kind of books I tend to...


Review: Habits of the Household

It is, perhaps surprisingly, rare for me to read a book on family habits and discipleship. I’ve certainly read my share of them over the years. But it is, in all honesty, quite easy...