Category: Theology


Review: Awaiting the King

The third entry in Smith’s ‘Cultural Liturgies’ series. It’s sat, unread, on my shelf for many years. Not because I didn’t want to read it. Partly because I knew it would be a very...


Review: A War of Loves

“The Unexpected Story Of A Gay Activist Discovering Jesus”. The subtitle of this book hints at the incredible, complex, emotional, arm-wrestle of a read that is to come. David Bennett begins his story about...


Review: An Impossible Marriage

Why would a same-sex attracted woman marry a man? This is the premise of this part-testimony, part-theology book. And, boy, it’s a good one! Laurie and Matt share their personal journey, and the many...


Review: Jesus, Justice and Gender Roles

Kathy Keller, the partner in ministry to her late husband, Tim, has long been a sharp, thoughtful and highly intelligent woman. I confess that I haven’t read a great deal of what she has...


Review: Hearing Her Voice

The role of women in ministry has been endlessly debated both within and outside Sydney Anglican circles. I’d say it’s a bit of a theological hot topic, except the coals are pretty cool on...


Review: Embodied

Why do we have bodies? What does it mean to have a body? How do we live well in our bodies? Gregg Allison explores this important, often underappreciated topic of embodiment. It is not...


Review: Embracing Complementarianism

I’ve always felt a bit uneasy about the labels complementarianism and egalitarianism. So much debate around these terms feels fraught. It often feels that there is a subtle contempt for the other side lying just below...


Review: Purposeful Sexuality

Ed writes a short introduction to the topic of human sexuality. He shares how he was led to radically rethink his views after reading John Piper’s Sex and the Supremacy of Christ. Ed presents a compelling...


Review: Orthodoxy

I have never read G. K. Chesterton. I knew of him, had heard many of his quotes, but never read any of his books. I have to admire someone who begins with: I have...