Tagged: sexuality


Review: Finding Your Best Identity

While many ask the important question ‘Who am I?’, in this short book Bunt asks the question ‘How can you know who you are?’ He takes a look at three sources we can look...


Review: A War of Loves

“The Unexpected Story Of A Gay Activist Discovering Jesus”. The subtitle of this book hints at the incredible, complex, emotional, arm-wrestle of a read that is to come. David Bennett begins his story about...


Review: Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

This collection of essays was born from the Desiring God conference in 2004. It provides excellent examples of how to write theologically in a timeless manner, and even more examples of how to write...


Review: Swipe Up

Jason writes a short, punchy book that is both personable and practical. The book is a loose retelling of his journey in understanding a biblical view of sexuality. It’s light, humorous at times, and...


Review: Purposeful Sexuality

Ed writes a short introduction to the topic of human sexuality. He shares how he was led to radically rethink his views after reading John Piper’s Sex and the Supremacy of Christ. Ed presents a compelling...