Tagged: identity


Review: Finding Your Best Identity

While many ask the important question ‘Who am I?’, in this short book Bunt asks the question ‘How can you know who you are?’ He takes a look at three sources we can look...


Review: A War of Loves

“The Unexpected Story Of A Gay Activist Discovering Jesus”. The subtitle of this book hints at the incredible, complex, emotional, arm-wrestle of a read that is to come. David Bennett begins his story about...


Review: On the Road with Saint Augustine

I’ve not (yet) read Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. But it has persistently haunted me from a distance over the years. I first became introduced to it more than a decade ago, reading Mark Sayer’s...


Review: Do Not Be True to Yourself

A short book of five edited talks that Kevin has given at various graduation ceremonies or other contexts of older youth or young adults.