Review: Prince Caspian

“Things never happen the same way twice.” Perhaps not. But if this were written in 2024, it would very likely be seen as an attempt for a quick buck. It’s a good story, and it’s well written. But at times it feels like the sequel that no-one asked for.
Who wrote it
C.S. Lewis, one of the great authors and Christian apologists of the 20th Century.
Why I read it
I’ve been working my way through reading the Narnia Chronicles with my daughter. It’s been my third attempt to read them with her, and she’s finally at an age that she is enjoying them.
What I liked
Narnia is a great place. It’s full of mystery and magic, and is told in such a way that you feel like Narnia could be a real place.
Lewis does a great job, once again, at his world-building. Narnia feels full of life. We hear so many incidental details about the world that your imagination readily builds out in your mind the words off the page. And it very often leaves you wanting to hear more, and thus needing to fill in the gaps with your own imagination.
It’s well written, dramatic and interesting.
What I didn’t
Despite the wonderful worldbuilding, there were a few times where it felt like we’re reading the same story.
The white witch is replaced by King Miraz. There is a new threat, though it has the same potential to encompass all of Narnia and ruin it forever. A great battle ensues. Albeit, this time in far less dramatic fashion than in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Spoiler alert: no death of Aslan and no resurrection.
Major Takeaway
This was a great little line:
“You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,” said Aslan. “And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth. Be content.”
Also this little gem:
“That’s the worst of girls,” said Edmund to Peter and the Dwarf. “They never can carry a map in their heads.”
“That’s because our heads have something inside them,” said Lucy.”
Who should read it
Definitely worth reading as part of the Chronicles. (I can’t say the same for The Horse and his Boy, which I have started twice but never finished). I can’t imagine going back to this again in a hurry though.
Prince Caspian
“Things never happen the same way twice.” Perhaps not. But if this were written in 2024, it would very likely be seen as an attempt for a quick buck. It's a good story, and it's well written. But ...